Videos and Podcasts

Families Best Learning Environment

Self-Directed Education: How Children Learn Without School and Homeschooling


Honey, I'm Homeschooling The Kids! Podcasts with Robyn Robertson

Podcast-QR77-Unschooling With Angela Kokott

Podcast-QR77-Unschooling With Andrew Shultz and Sue Deyell

Podcast-Jack Spirko Unschooling

Podcast-Unschooling and Self-Directed Education with Ben Green

Podcast-CBC Homeschooling

Podcast-CBC Homeschooling Regulations and Support Groups

Podcast-Homeschooling with Saralyn

Podcast-Unschooling To University with Robyn Robertson

Podcast-CBC Eyeopener Homeschooling

UCA MasterClasses

Unschooling Myths, Realities, and Benefits

How do Unschooled Children Learn to Read and Write

How do Unschooled Children Learn Math and Science

How do Unschooled Children Learn History, Geography, Languages, Music, and Physical Education

Unschooling Research and How to Handle Others Resistance

The Good News Science of Screen Time

Unschooling STEM

Unschooling 101

How do Unschooled Children Access Post-Secondary Schools

Unschooling and Brain Development Stages

Worldwide Conference Presentations

Learning Revolution Conference - Developmental Stages, Temperament and Environmental Effects on Learning 2020

AERO Conference - Unschooling and Brain Development 2020

Learning Revolution Conference - Unschooling and Brain Development 2020

Homeschooling Global Summit Education Options 2020

Homeschooling Global Summit - Unschooling 101 - 2019

Homeschooling Global Summit 2019 Pam Laricchia

Joel Hammond Discusses Teacher Liberation

Sir Ken Robinson Endorses Unschooling

Judy Arnall speaks about "Unschooling to University: Study of 30 unschooled children attending university and colleges"

Judy Arnall defines Unschooling Using the Buffet Model

News Clips

CTV News Clip on Unschooling in Alberta

Global News Clip on Unschooling in Saskatchewan

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Wendy Hadd and Sandra Martin-Chang discuss the Concordia University Study of 12 unschooled children

City TV "How to Unschool" Judy Arnall

CTV TV "What is Unschooling? Part 1" Judy Arnall

CTV TV "What is Unschooling? Part 2" Judy Arnall